9 Steps to Plan Your Kitchen Remodel

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Kitchen remodeling services have seen it all, but this remodeling business is new to you. Here are the 9 steps you need to plan out you’re remodel, so you don’t get caught in the overwhelming, and confusing set of options that a kitchen remodeler may put in front of you.

You can, of course, start with a feeling or a vision, but soon enough you’ll have to start making practical decisions between thousands of options. Many homeowners feel that they do best by starting with an open mind rather than seeking their perfect image.

Make Time to Plan

If every decision is a rushed choice, you’ll end up with hardware that doesn’t contribute to the overall continuity of the kitchen and cupboards that are less than functional. But, if you set aside a time to plan, you can ensure that everything matches.

There’s no need to go chasing perfection because you can always find hardware or a finish that you like better than the last. The goal is to set aside enough time to put actual effort into your kitchen. Decisions shouldn’t be rushed, ever. Planning with your kitchen remodeler will also allow you to envision the bigger picture before the work starts.

Big Ticket Items

For some people, a perfect kitchen relies on a U-shaped island, but for others, it’s all about the stove. So clearly defining your big-ticket items is important. Many kitchen remodeling services will happily execute your every whim while racking up a shocking bill.

However, few people can remodel their kitchen without having some budget in mind. Clearly explain to your kitchen remodeler where the budget is flexible and where it is strict.

If you need butcher’s block counters, know that you’ll likely have to opt for a less expensive stove, or do without the soft-shutting cabinet doors.

Know What You Don’t Want

You’re remodeling your kitchen for a reason, and it probably has a lot to do with the aspects of your kitchen that you’ve grown to hate. Make a list of your kitchen remodeler of aspects that must go.

You may notice as you’re making your list that there’s an overall theme. If you’re complaining about shut-in cupboards and restrictive pantry space, you need more organizational structure in your kitchen. But, if you’re frustrated with the amount of counter space and that you can never wash dishes in your tiny sink you’re missing out on key kitchen functionality.

Put Your Needs First

It’s easy to get carried away when planning your kitchen remodel. But too often people end up with a kitchen full of things that get in the way. It’s not likely that you need appliance garages, recessed under counter lighting, or an ice maker.

But, you do need a functioning stove, roomy cabinets and a reasonably sized sink. Keep your needs in perspective and put your wants on the back burner.

Consider More Than the Finish

Many homeowners rush to find the best look for their kitchen but don’t take the time to consider what structural aspects work best in their home.


  • Foot traffic patterns
  • Where you do most of your prep work
  • Where your doors and windows naturally cascade light
  • Most frequented areas

These aspects can help you keep more of a focus on the structure of your kitchen. Most people don’t budget for moving windows, or doorways and in some cases, it’s not possible. But, if you work with your kitchen’s current structure, a kitchen remodeler can help you find other ways to make your dream kitchen happen.

Find Print Inspiration

Screenshots and Pinterest saves are great for you, but if you’re working with a kitchen remodeling service, you need something physical. You don’t want your great find to get lost in a mass of text messages or emails.

When you find a design, structure, or idea, you love and must have in your kitchen, print it out. You should have at least 4 or 5 photos for your kitchen remodeler to work with before their team gets started.

Schedule a Walkthrough

Some kitchen remodeling services charge for this, and others are only annoyed at the request, but it can make all the difference. You don’t want to spend tens of thousands of dollars to end up with a kitchen you hate or can’t walk through.

A walkthrough is a mockup of your suggested design, so you can visually identify where there are any shortcomings in design. You can see issues with door placement, too small walkways and foot traffic in a walkthrough that you wouldn’t have planned for otherwise.

Go with Your Gut

Although your instinct might be to give in to every whim; your intuition is what will guide you. If you’re second-guessing a decision, hold off until later. Because you’re still in the planning phase, you’re not inconveniencing anyone but yourself.

Taking the time to make decisions is important, if you feel rushed from your kitchen remodeler, it might be time to move on. Everything should be set in stone before anyone starts tearing apart your kitchen. At this point, the kitchen remodels only exists on paper and in your head.

But, the second that the remodel begins physically, you lost a lot of control, and there’s a lot more anxiety involved in changing your plans. Never give in to pressure from a contractor, and don’t commit to a start date until you finalize your plan.

Finalize Your Design

After making all the design decisions, you need to sit down with your kitchen remodeler an ensure that there won’t be any deviating from your plan. Unless something catastrophic happens, you shouldn’t need to make any decisions during the remodeling process.

This finalization help secures your vision. A contractor can help you identify any issues between your design and budget at this point. They can also help you choose between some outstanding decisions. If you couldn’t pick between to different sinks, they should be able to help you rationalize one choice over the other.